Анастасия Платонова

Anastasia Platonova. Fashion designer

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Евгений Михальченко

Evgeniy Mikhalchenko. The Administration of The President of the Russian Federation.

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Константин Петриченко

Konstantin Petrichenko. Head of international relations Department at United Russia

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Игорь Цвирко

Igor Tsvirko. Leading Soloist of The Bolshoi theatre.

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Азамат Цебоев

Azamat Tseboev.

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Большой Театр

Bolshoi Theatre. Magical

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Максим Ливси

Maxim Livsi, restaurateur.

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Маргарита Игнатьева

Margaret Ignateva. Painter.

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Родион Мамонтов

Rodion Mamontov.

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Tаня Чебан


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Андрей Сергеевич Кабанов

Andrey Kabanov. The musicologist.

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Александр Латкин

Alexandr Latkin. Journalist. Portrait.

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